Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Addition to the family - Kala :)

First Day Home for Kala
After visiting the humane society and getting to know a lot of kitties and puppies, we found a good fit with 10 month old tabby cat, KALA. When we brought her home, we opened the carrier and she looked like a ferret perched up as high as should could on her hind legs and did a full 360 viewing of the space a couple times before she dared venture out. It was very cute. She is getting used to Nick and I and her new home.

She is a little attached to us right now and cries for us when we leave a room. I equate it to separation anxiety that babies have when you are out of sight. She thought she could explore on her own and went half way down our stairs and when she couldn't see us anymore she cried until we came and called her.

She joined us in our office downstairs and was having fun catching Nick's mouse (computer mouse). Then after awhile Kala found a perfect spot for her on to of my office chair. You can see her trying to sleep on the chair in the picture above.

Our lives are now forever changed, we have a new house with a yard and new cat. Possibly a puppy be continued. :D

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Good luck with the resolutions :D


Nick & Janie