Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Graduation! John is officially a Rocket Scientist

John's Graduation - Procession with Aerospace Dept.

John with the Family

John with the Grandparents

Tyler & Amanda

Nick, John, & KelliAnn with Hippo :D

At the San Diego Zoo...

After waiting in line behind all the little kids, we convinced them to get on the hippo for a quick pict.

Soooo Cute!

KelliAnn with the Polar Bears - That's quite a look.

Lunch with Roomies

Melissa, Erin, & I

We were all roomies at Rick's College (yes, it's Rick's to me!) Melissa is from Missouri and was out visiting family in Draper. It was fun to see her two cute girls and husband, Gordon. Erin came down from Farmington. The amazing thing was neither Erin or I got lost this trip! LOL. It was a great lunch and time to catch up. It had been quite awhile.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our First Vege Garden

We are excited about being able to finally have a little vegetable garden. We brought in some top soil, railroad ties, and some plants. Here is a picture of it. We have spices, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, peas, and potatoes. We hope to add another one next year so we can have more types of plants like corn and pumpkins. :D

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kala's Favorite Toy - Fish on a Fishing Pole

In case you haven't noticed we get a real kick out of Kala. She LOVES this toy we have now had like 10 of them, cause they keep breaking. It's a little fish on an elastic string. She goes flying into the air doing flips etc. to get the little thing. She begs us to play all the time. She comes bringing it to us with the fish in her mouth and the fishing pole dragging close behind her. Here is a little sampling of her air tricks. As you can tell Nick and I laugh the whole time we are playing with her.

Kala - Soda & Playing Ball

Kala loves boxes and bags and these little sparkley balls that we got her. She chases them all over the house and carries them around in her mouth. On this day we were getting rid of some soda boxes and she started playing in them. It was sooo entertaining, Nick & I were laughing the whole time. At the end she has a little misjudgement and goes toppling down the stairs.

Kala - Doing Laundry

Kala likes to help do laundry too. She burrows down inside a batch of fresh warm laundry, it's the perfect nap spot.

Kala - Sleeping on the job

During the work day, Kala is always nearby me. On this day she found a spot above my monitor in my desk. Curled up with the books.

A weekend of painting

Weekend Project - Painting the Living Room & Kitchen

View of the Living Room

View of the Kitchen
Painted a darker brown
(Pinecone Hills)